Tuesday, 17 March 2015

The Script @ The Brighton Centre

It was the year 2008 when I first discovered The Script. A friend of mine asked me to listen to one of their songs, telling me it was an amazing song. Who would've known that 8 years ago, Breakeven would still be my favourite song to date. That was also the year I discovered the guitar. Of course not its existence, but the beauty of it; how you can play any song on it. I decided to pick up the guitar solely for one purpose which was to learn to play Breakeven. Breakeven was my motivation. 

I don't usually buy music albums due to me not wanting to spend money on something that is not food or clothes. Not to say albums are cheap either! Especially now in this new technological era where you have things like YouTube and Spotify, it's so easy to listen to music without having to buy an album. And you need a music player for that too! Even so, I have all (except the most recent one, No Sound Without Silence, *cries*) of The Script's albums. I told myself that I'd only ever buy an album if I am head over heels over an artist or band. 

The Script, they weren't just a band. They weren't just a band singing songs. They were my best friends in music. 8 years, they were my best friends. They were with me through my ups and downs. When things got tough, they were there. When things got even tougher, they were there. And when things took a turn and got better and even better, they were there too. I guess that's the beauty of music, you know? How just a few simple words put together to form a song can touch you in a way only music can. 

Well, to sum things all up: last Tuesday, I got the opportunity to finally, I repeat, FINALLY, watch The Script perform live in concert at The Brighton Centre. 8 years I have waited for this day to come. You know how some people have this bucket list where they have things like 'smoke at least once' or 'travel to Paris', something like that? Well, 'to watch The Script live at least once in this life' can finally be checked off mine ✓. 

Siobhan Lim

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